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Buying and Selling of Properties

Buying and selling properties involves several steps.

1. **Preparation:** Sellers need to prepare their property for sale, which may include repairs, staging, and setting a competitive price. Buyers typically begin by securing financing and defining their criteria for a property.

2. **Listing:** Sellers list their properties through real estate agents or online platforms. Buyers search for properties that match their criteria.

3. **Viewing:** Buyers visit properties of interest to assess their suitability and condition. Sellers may host open houses or private viewings to showcase their property.

4. **Negotiation:** Once a buyer is interested, they make an offer through their agent, which the seller can accept, reject, or negotiate. Terms such as price, closing date, and contingencies are negotiated.

5. **Inspection and Due Diligence:** After agreeing on terms, the buyer typically conducts inspections and due diligence to ensure there are no hidden issues with the property.

6. **Contract and Closing:** Once both parties are satisfied, they sign a purchase agreement outlining the terms of the sale. The buyer secures financing and completes any remaining paperwork. On the closing day, ownership of the property is transferred, and funds are exchanged.

Throughout this process, both buyers and sellers may seek guidance from real estate agents, attorneys, and other professionals to ensure a smooth transaction and protect their interests.


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